When Will be its Appointed Time?

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

“Every soul will taste death.” We are constantly reminded of death. Almost everyday, or on a weekly basis we see or hear of a death, sometimes that of someone we know like a family member, friend, or neighbor;  yet how often do we consider our own appointed time? We feel sadden when a loved one dies and can admit that death had come to others, but not me (us); at least not yet. Somehow we think that we will continue to be in this world for a long time. And this shows by our actions, i.e how much time and effort we take into preparing for this temporary life. When will be its appointed time? Only God knows.

Be in This World as a Stranger or Traveler

Take for example, a person taking a trip and how he/she thinks of nothing but the long journey ahead and the preparations that must be made in order to have a memorable experience. This is exactly how we must live our life – preparing for the unseen journey that is eternal; where if the journey did not turned out as planned there is no redo – no coming back to plan another trip. This is a very important and final trip. It is the END of our journey in his life and the beginning of a new journey in our next life that was promised to all of mankind.  The day when our deeds will come to an end.

Or least he should say when he sees the torment, “If only I had another chance (to return to the world), then I would indeed be among those who do good.”

The Final Destination

“Whoever loves to meet Allah, Allah loves to meet him”. Don’t make any final preparations or plans for this life. As a believer, you and I must prepare in the same manner as we would prepare for a journey, however, in this case, the most important and final journey of our life. The only destination in this case is the return to our Creator.

Death is an Awesome Reality!

Death is the true exposer of this life and everything in it. It is a reality facing every living being. Aside from death, there is no sure thing! Everything will eventually perish. Every material thing, possession, career, mansion, money, fancy cars, clothes – everything will be left behind. Now tell me, was preparing so much for this temporary life worth it?

What Will Accompany Us to Our Graves

Three things will follow us to the grave, but only one will remain. The other two will leave us at the grave. The three things are: Our wealth, our family and our deeds will accompany us to the grave. However, our wealth and family will return, only our deeds will remain with us. So do as much good deeds as you can in this life before it is too late.

Help the Dying Person Say …

“Laa ilaaha illallaah” – The prophet (pbuh) said, “When death draws near to the believer, he receives glad tidings of Allah’s pleasure with Him and His generosity. As for the companion of the Fire, whose deeds were sealed with evil, he is given the news of it [ Hellfire], during this terror [death].”

“Everyone shall taste death.
And only on the Day of Resurrection shall you be paid your wages in full.
And whoever is removed away from the Fire and admitted to Paradise,
he indeed is successful. The life of this world is only the enjoyment of deception.”

(al-’Imraan, 185)

The prophet (pbuh) said as a funeral procession was passing by, “Relieved or relieved of him – The believing servant is relieved of the fatigue and afflictions of this world, and entering into the mercy of Allah…”

No one but Allah knows when the appointed time will be! Let’s start making preparations now before it is too late!

“And turn in repentance and obedience with true faith to your Lord and submit to Him (in Islam) before the torment comes upon you, (and) then you will not be helped.”
  When will be its appointed time? Have You Prepared for the Hour?